NO to gas-fired dispossession:
We stand with Gomeroi against Santos

Santos must withdraw
We demand that the NSW and Commonwealth governments immediately take action to stop the climate-wrecking Santos Pilliga-Narrabri Coal Seam Gas (CSG) project proceeding on Gomeori lands.

Gomeroi have never ceded sovereignty over the Pilliga and given no consent to coal seam gas. 

They have cared for their lands and waters since time immemorial, fought to maintain connection despite violent, racist policies of exclusion and stood on the frontline of protests against destructive fossil fuel projects for generations.
Fight for Gomeroi Country
Gomeroi have a registered Native Title claim over the Pilliga.

However, the current Native Title Act provides very weak protection for First Nations seeking to stop unwanted developments on their lands.

Santos are exploiting this weakness by taking hostile court action to impose the project.

In December 2022, Santos was granted four “Future Acts Determination Applications” by the Native Title Tribunal, allowing them to proceed with development of 850 CSG wells despite the destruction of Gomeroi rights that will result.

This decision was overturned on appeal by the Federal Court in March 2024, due to the failure of the Tribunal to properly consider the issue of climate change. However, Santos are continuing to push ahead with their plans and will still try to use the weaknesses of Native Title to impose the project.

Sustain life
The Native Title Tribunal ruled in favour of Santos’ claim that CSG development is in “the public interest” because of claims it will bring economic prosperity, justifying the decision to over-ride Gomeori rights. 

In reality, this project will create profits for a tiny few while unleashing a carbon and methane bomb, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions in the order of 127 million tones (CO2 equivalent). 

The project will also destroy precious local ecologies and threatens to pollute the Great Artesian Basin, waters which are so crucial for sustaining life.
Stop fuelling climate disaster
Funding commitments initially made under the “gas-fired recovery” policy of Scott Morrison continue to provide public money to fuel climate disaster, including hundreds of millions of dollars for a new gas-fired power plant at Kurri Kurri to burn gas from the Pilliga.
Transition away from fossil fuels
Instead of gas-fired dispossession, we urgently need to be strengthening First Nations rights and investing heavily in a just transition away from fossil fuels, with large-scale employment in renewable energy and sustainable development.
Defend Gomeroi rights
This project cannot be allowed to proceed.

Campaign Supporters

The Gomeroi Ngaarr website is being administered by a collective of Gomeroi people supported by Jumbunna Research, University of Technology Sydney. Photos on the site courtesy of NorthWest Protection Advocacy and the Pilliga Push documentary.
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